I don't know what that means.
This guy *has* to be good. I wanna figure out how. |
So, um, I dunno. I'm still playing Junk Rites in Standard. I'm having fun with it, but I'm starting to think about moving on. I've been getting a brewer's itch lately, and I might like to try something Simic. Maybe even something with Elves. It occurred to me recently that Gyre Sage is an Elf, and I already knew that Master Biomancer and Zameck Guildmage are both Elves. Maybe ... hmmmm. Then I did a
Gatherer search on all Elves in Standard, and I noticed there are a few Selesnya Elves, too. I wonder if I could run some kind of weird Bant Elves thing, where I can try to abuse Progenitor Mimic and Trostani's Summoner in Standard. It could become the kind of silly Timmy thing I enjoy doing that results in the board being flooded with random token doodz (like my old Clarion Ultimatum/Landfall and Spider Spawning decks). I really want to do something with Master Biomancer, too. I dunno ...
Will you be my fiend? |
Anyway, Junk Rites. I keep finding fun little things to do with the deck, most of them involving Friend Hunter, Restoration Angel, and/or Angel of Serenity. I almost made a play last night where I was going to Fiend Hunt my own Angel of Serenity, then Resto it at instant speed to wrath my opponent's board, but he scooped before I could do that. Aw. :(
I also didn't do a lot of sliming last night. I was hard-pressed to figure out what to take out to make room for more Slimes. The matchups where the Slime plan is good (mostly Control or Midrange) are often the kinds of matchups where I bring in 3 Sin Collectors and a 4th Voice of Resurgence. Maybe take out a Thragtusk and a Friend Hunter? I dunno.
Cool card. |
I'm finding myself really enjoying the UWR matchup for some reason. It seems like it's a lot of setup, some dinking and/or dunking, and then the action all happens in a small series of explosive key turns. Most of it actually seems to involve AEtherling. I'm rather pleased with myself that I was able to deal with it very well last night. One time, I just Pithing Needle'd it, which is pretty awesome. Another time, I set up an alpha strike, and Serenity'd it to force the blink and swing through, which was also pretty awesome. But another game I had no answers, and he was able to just pound me with it. 8 unblockable damage is a lot.
Modern Masters coming this weekend! I'm pretty excited about it. It looks like a lot of fun for draft. My plan is to open Doubling Season and play OMGTOKENZ0RZZZZ. Or, more realistically, probably just Goblins. But I'll be content to open some foil 'goyfs, too.
Poor little deer. :( |
Speaking of which, I really like the new Tarmogoyf artwork. It actually looks like something! I still can't figure out what the original is supposed to be. It's this dark amorphous blob of .. something. I can tell it has a limb that is holding to a guy who seems not that excited about the number of card types in the graveyard, but other than that ... what the heck is it? The new artwork .. okay, I can see it ... it's this big creepy craggy thing that's scaring that poor little deer. :'{ Good stuff.
Um ... not really much else for now. Thanks for reading!
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