Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Road to Level 2 .. .and .. more Elephants

Hi everybody!

So, I ticked off another requirement on my Level 2 Judge checklist: head-judge'd a Competitive event. It was the Legacy 1K at Mox Mania this weekend. Turnout was a little less than we would have liked, but considering the weather's been crappy and that seems to be finals time right now, 29 players isn't that bad.

I originally thought I was going to have my L2 mentor as one of my Judglings, but we had a miscommunication/misunderstanding, and he wasn't able to make it, so I had two relatively new L1's judgling-ing under me. I think that was actually better experience for me, getting to (and having to!) babysit them more. Thankfully, though, one of them has judged other Competitive events, and was able to demonstrate deck checking to the other one.

So yeah, the whole thing was lots of work. I underestimated the complexity of running the logistics of the whole thing: entering in results, generating pairings, posting pairings, printing match slips, starting the clock, cutting match slips, handing out match slips, swooping for deck check, etc. It was kinda hard work, but very rewarding. Great experience for by myself, and for my Judglings. A++, would head judge again. :)

Next step ... Meet with my L2 mentor, then probably contact an L3, and then take my test. Woo!

On the playing side of things, I'm still having fun with my Elephants deck. I made one minor tweak .. I swapped out the Lightning Strikes for two Selesnya Charms and a Warleader's Helix. I'm not sure that was the right call, however. Here's how it went:

Uncounterable elephant.
Round 1: vs. U/W Control. Game one didn't go that great. I beat up on him for a few turns, he wrath'd once or twice, then stabilized with Elspeth, and locked the game up with a Sphinx's Revelation. Textbook. Game two, I sided into the ham-fisted Control Hate configuration of my deck, with Mistcutters, Assembles, Boros Charms, and The Hammah. From there, the rest of the match just plays itself. One hard-to-deal-with Elephant after another. I won both subsequent games, I think both times with multiple threats still in hand ("I still had all these!"). Win, 2-1. Record: 1-0.

Round 2: vs. Mono-Red Devotion. Same opponent as last week or a couple weeks ago. Again, he didn't get the greatest of draws, but he drew well enough to get one game. I don't remember much about this match, other than lots of burn and Boros Reckoners being tossed around. Win, 2-1. Record: 2-0.

Not an elephant.
Round 3: vs. RDW. This one didn't quite go as well. Game one, he put Mad Skillz on a Reckoner, and I had to dome myself for 4 to kill it. From there, he just had to patiently draw into his remaining burn spells. Second game, his turns were: (1) Cackler, (2) Zealot, (3) [something .. I forget], (4) Burning-Tree, Burning-Tree, Fanatic of Mogis. GG. I guess. :/ Loss, 0-2. Record: 2-1.

Flying elephant!
Round 4: vs. Junk Reanimator brew. I appreciate this guy's brewing spirit, but it seemed like his deck was trying to do too much. He was playing four colors, splashing red mostly for Sire of Insanity. Game 1 went pretty quickly, with me overwhelming him pretty early with Elephants, and punishing his "all-in" play on Lotleth Troll with a Chained to the Rocks. Game two, he had the turn three Whip of Erebos, but I had the Wear // Tear to put the kibosh on that. I quickly followed up with Elephantile beatdowns and soon victory was mine. Win, 2-0. Record: 3-1.

Well all that was good enough for second place! The RDW opponent ended up winning out, and all of my previous opponents did pretty well, so my tiebreakers were pretty good. It was enough for about $13 in store credit, so minus the $10 entry fee, I made $3 on the night. Woo!

Thoughts on the deck:
  • I should probably shore up the red aggro matchup. Voices and Reckoners aren't quite cutting it. Selesnya Charm is cute, but I think I really need more removal. I think I should just put in that fourth Mortars, and maybe some lifegain. Hmmm .. Fiendslayer Paladin? Unflinching Courage? That could be pretty sweet on a Polukranos or Reckoner. But I need some early burn, too. Maybe I just side out all the mana dorks and bring in Anger of the Gods? But I do like my Caryatids...
  • The Control matchup seems just fine. I can probably cut back on some of the sideboard hate. Probably the Boros Charms. Or maybe bring some of that into the maindeck? It's hard, though, because both my Control and Aggro matchups seem pretty bad for game 1, and I don't know how to shore up one without borking the other.
  • Deck is still lots of fun, and still has room for improvement. Which is both good and bad. I like the deck, and it's doing well, but I kinda wanted to try out Mono-Blue at some point. Plus, I just love saying "Elephant".
This weekend is gonna be an inaugural/test run of Pauper Constructed, which I'm looking forward to. I'm building my mono-blue Delver deck in paper, and it think it'll be pretty fun. Lots of Mox regulars have been expressing interest, so I figure we can try to start it up again after the holidays. I'd love to see it take off. But if not, I'll have fun trying. :)

Okay, well that's it for now. Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Elephants and Such


Lots of stuff to talk about this week, so I'll just dive right in.

Flying Elephant!
Standard! Elephants! Stomp! I didn't really tweak much. I think just I just swapped out a Chained to the Rocks for a third Mizzium Mortars. Well, here's a brief rundown of how things went:

1. vs. Green Devotion. He had way too many Kalonia Hydras and I couldn't keep up. I Chained one of them, and he Bramblecrush'd it. Didn't recover from that one. D: Lost 1-2.
2. vs. U/W Controlol. Finally, a Control matchup! I lost game one when he stabilized at about 1-2 life, and my Last Elf Standing couldn't quite finish the job. Thankfully, most of my board was perfect against him, and he didn't really come close to being able to keep up with my never-ending threats. Voices, Hydras, Dragons, Elephants, oh my! Won 2-1.
3. vs. Drown in Filth. He drew terribly. I killed all of his doodz, and then him. Won 2-0.
4. vs. Red Devotion. Quick 3 games, mostly one-sided. Game 1 he couldn't keep up with my Elephants, game 2 I couldn't keep up with his Nykthos, and game 3 he Mortars'd my mana dorks and I was stuck without red mana and died to the Last Minotaur Standing. Lost 1-2.

Some thoughts:
  • Boon Satyr was actually pretty sweet. 4-power flash for 3 mana is a nice ahead-of-the-curve tempo body. I think I'll keep him around.
  • Mana continues to be awkward. I think getting the G/W scrylands would help. Of course, getting the M10/ISD duals would help even more, but .. yeah.
  • I wish I could have more Rocks to chain things to. But damn, that Bramblecrush hurt. Maybe I should try Selesnya Charm. Hmmm ...
  • Chandra did some good work. She helped me get a surplus of cards, ping dorky doodz, and force through damage.
  • Mortars was pretty much always awesome. Solid early, and blowout late. I think I should go up to 4 of these.
  • Boros Reckoner doesn't trade as well with trampling Kalonian Hydras as well as I was hoping. :( I wonder if I should drop to three of him in the 'board.
  • Aurelia was pretty great at finishing games. Interesting little synergy with mana dorks, too. Makes me want to run more instant-speed stuff ... like Selesnya Charm?? Hmmmm....
Geist of Holy-Mackerel-Look-At-All-Those-F-ing-Merfolk
Modern! I love Modern, but my deck has been bombing lately. It's kind of frustrating, really. I don't want to abandon it quite yet, but I feel like I might have to. It seems like the games I lose are one of these scenarios:
  1. I draw a bunch of control game early, but can't follow up with a threat. I run out of gas and die.
  2. I draw a bunch of threats early, and die to early aggression/combo.
So do I go more Control? I don't know if that's what I want to do. But I sorta have to. Geist of Saint Traft on turn three does nothing against a turn-four Living End or Merfolk swarm. Do I concede Game 1 against them and board in a bunch of countermagic? (And speaking of Living End, Grafdigger's Cage doesn't do against them what I thought it would do. Frowning face.) Or maybe I play a grindy controlling game 1, and board into more Midrange stuff for games 2-3? I don't know. There's a big-ish Modern tournament coming up in February up nort' that I'd like to attend, so ... yeah.

What else ... Well, I'm head-judging a Legacy 1K at Mox Mania this weekend! I'm pretty excited about it. It's another step toward Level 2, as well as a great opportunity for me to get some experience head judging stuff. And I get to boss people around, too, which I'm looking forward to. :) I was hoping to maybe test for L2 at SCG Indy coming up in January, but my application got declined for that, so I probably won't even bother traveling to it. Frowning face. Oh well. Soon...

Yes, this was a common.
I'm also organizing a Pauper tournament to run at Mox for the following weekend. There was a tournament up nort', and some on the local MTG Facebook group seemed interested, so we'll give it a shot. :) I'm trying to find the last few pieces to finish putting together Delver. Should be fun. :)

Okay, well that's it for now. Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Braving the Elephants

So I gave Domri'z Doodz another spin last night at Mox Mania's Tuesday Standard Win-a-Box thingy. tl;dr ... I went 3-1, losing only in the final round to one of the two 4-0's, and getting 4th place (missing 3rd place on breakers). I'm pretty happy with how it ran, and I had lots of fun with it. Here's what I played (give or take a card or two?):

Land (24):
4 Temple Garden
4 Stomping Ground
4 Sacred Foundry
3 Temple of Abandon
3 Temple of Triumph
4 Forest
2 Mountain

Doodz (25):
4 Elvish Mystic
4 Sylvan Caryatid
4 Voice of Resurgence
4 Loxodon Smiter
2 Boon Satyr
3 Polukranos, World-Eater
3 Stormbreath Dragon
1 Aurelia, the Warleader

Removal (7):
2 Chained to the Rocks
2 Mizzium Mortars
2 Lightning Strike
1 Magma Jet 

Planeswalkers (4):
3 Domri Rade
1 Chandra, Pyromaster

Sideboard (15):
2 Wear // Tear
3 Mistcutter Hydra
4 Boros Reckoner
1 Hammer of Purphoros
2 Assemble the Legion
3 Boros Charm

... and here's how the matches went:

What's the saying about bringing a Cackler to an Elephant fight?
Round 1: vs. Mono-Red Devotion.
My opponent didn't draw very many of his lands, and I beat him up with elephants and such. Not much of a match here. Win, 2-0. Record: 1-0.

When her devotees are all getting trampled by elephants, all she can do is watch.
Round 2: vs. Mono-Green Devotion.
I was able to keep him off his devotion game with well-timed removal (Lightning Strike, Domri) and consistent elephantile pressure. I'm pretty sure Aurelia made an appearance, too, which was pretty hot. Win, 2-0. Record: 2-0.

Protection from Domri. :(
Round 3: vs. Mono-Blue Devotion.
So much devotion. Again, I don't think my opponent got the greatest draw here. I think he got kinda flooded at least one game, and failed to draw his best threats (early fliers and Thassa). His lonely Bident couldn't quite stave off the elephant beats. I survived a misplay in one game where I could have just monstrous'd my Dragon and killed him. But I thought I'd play out Domri and an Elephant and fight his Master of Waves. Then I realized, Domri's fight ability is red and can't even target the Master. Oops. So I just killed him the next turn. Win, 2-0. Record: 3-0.

Brave the Elephants.
Round 4: vs. Orzhov.
Hey, it's not devotion! At least, I don't think it was. He played lots of Orzhov lands, but I don't remember if I ever saw any black cards. But I didn't see any devotion stuff either (e.g., Heliod, Nykthos). Anyway, the first game I staved off his early doodz with removal. Fighting a Banisher Priest to free my elephant (okay, Hydra) helped a lot. I think Aurelia made another appearance.
Second game, I saw the Superfriends: Gideon and Ajani. Huh. So I was getting ready to set up my game-winning play.. attacking with an elephant, then following up with another elephant and a dragon the next turn. Then I looked at the friends: Gideon was at 11 loyalty, and Ajani at 7. I was dead on board to a doubple-striking/flying Gideon. So I attacked him down to 7 and took 14 the next turn. The next couple of turns were really weird, and I probably misplayed. I was able to dispatch Ajani over the next couple of turns, and attack Gideon down to 1, but then their old friend Elspeth made an appearance to kill all of my elephants. D: I followed up with a dragon, and I chose to kill Elspeth. The next turn, however, he had the Brave the Elephants to sneak his Gideon past my elephant. What I should have done was to kill Gideon (as silly as that sounds), and then I had the Mizzium Mortars in hand to handle Elspeth's flunkies, plus any other followup on his end. Live and learn. Or, die and learn. :/
The third game was much less interesting. I curved out with a couple of early elephants, but he unceremoniously Banish'd them both. I failed to draw into removal to get rid of them, and I was dead shortly thereafter. Loss, 1-2. Record: 3-1.

Hey, it was nice to be back in the X-0 bracket in the final round. :) Though like I mentioned, I didn't have the best breakers, and I fell to fourth place. But I split with my final opponent, so we each got 14 packs for our efforts. Not bad.

So, some thoughts about how the deck played out:

  • The mana continues to be somewhat wonky. I'm not sure what I can do about it. I feel like I want another white source so I can more consistently hit Voice on turn two. Maybe the G/W scryland will help.
  • I think I'm going to relegate Chandra to the 'board. I almost always wanted to side her out, and the one time I cast her, it didn't really matter. I think I'd rather have just more removal.
  • Okay, Stormbreath is good. So many times he sealed the deal as "just" a 4/4 hasty evasive guy. Even against mono-blue, who has lots of fliers, he puts enormous pressure on them. And monstrous'ing is not out of the question.
  • I need to tweak the removal some more. I kept finding myself with Chains stuck in hand without a Mountain to chain anything to. I'll probably go back down to a 1-of. But I'm really nervous about not having an answer for Thassa or Master.
  • Also, I think I want more Mortars. A two-mana 4-damage burn spell is unexciting, but good. A six-mana one-sided wrath is pretty much a blowout. I think I should have 3, or maybe even 4.
  • I probably need to let go of my irrational love of Scry. I love Magma Jet, but I think having that third point of damage is more important than stacking my next two draws.
  • Polukranos. Man, what an elephant. It's a 5/5 on turn 3 or 4, and it picks off annoying little dorks on the other side of the board. Sometimes I wonder if I should go to 4 of these.
  • Domri. Again, what a nice utility card. He draws me into moar doodz, and he uses moar doodz to kill other doodz. I didn't ultimate him last night, but I didn't really care if I did or not. Most of the time he was at least a 2-for-1, drawing me a dood or two, and picking off one of their doodz. Sweet sweet card. Sometimes I wonder if I should go to 4 of him too.
  • Of course, when I'm thinking about adding cards, the question becomes ... what do I cut? This week, I'm looking at Boon Satyr. But really, there's nothing else quite like it. I really like it as a 4-power flash guy, and when I can flash him in at end of turn and follow up with a Dragon, that's pretty sweet. I know I've bestow'd him at instant speed, too, but that doesn't come up all that often.
So yeah, I'm enjoying the deck. It's fun, it's winning, and there's still room for improvement. I think I'll keep doing it. I started sleeving up Mono-Blue Devotion as a backup plan, in case I crashed and/or burned this week, but I think I'll give the Doodz another week or two.

On the Judge front, I'm pretty excited to take the next step towards Level 2: head-judging a Competitive event. Mox Mania is gonna run a Legacy 1K, and I'll HJ that with a couple of other guys doing the dirty work of deck checks and stuff. It's pretty exciting. I get to boss people around, I get to see weird stuff happen in an interesting format, I get to edumacate a new Level 1, I get to keep learning from my Level 2 mentor. And hopefully sooner than later I get to test for Level 2. I am excite. :D I was also told by my mentor that there's been interest in Judge Classes, so hopefully I'll get to run those too. I had a great time running the one a couple months ago. And at some point, I hope I'll get to start working Grand Prixs. Fun stuff. :)

Okay, well that's it for now I guess. Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Where's the Beef?

In my deck, that's where!

So yeah, I'm enjoying my Naya Midrange deck, which I've been alternately titling "Domri'z Doodz," or "Where's the Beef?" Because, you know, the deck has lots of beefy doodz. Anyway, here's where I'm at now:

Land (24):
4 Sacred Foundry
4 Temple Garden
4 Stomping Ground
4 Forest
2 Mountain
3 Temple of Abandon
3 Temple of Triumph

Doodz (25):
4 Elvish Mystic
4 Sylvan Caryatid
4 Voice of Resurgence
4 Loxodon Smiter
2 Boon Satyr
3 Polukranos, World-Eater
3 Stormbreath Dragon
1 Aurelia, the Warleader

Spells (11):
1 Chained to the Rocks
2 Mizzium Mortars
3 Magma Jet
3 Domri Rade
2 Chandra, Pyromaster

Sideboard (15):
4 Boros Reckoner
2 Wear // Tear
3 Mistcutter Hydra
2 Assemble the Legion
1 Hammer of Purphoros
3 Boros Charm

And here's how the matches went!

My brambles are no longer as concerned on turn 5 after I've already dropped 15 power on the board.
Round 1: vs. Gruul LD. Well, I give the guy credit for trying. But there's a reason why LD isn't good right now. When you're spending your resources to try to start blowing up lands on turn 3 or 4, and I'm dropping 4/4 elephants a turn or two sooner .... yeah. It didn't really end well for him. Win, 2-0. Record: 1-0.

Obey your master.
Round 2: vs. Mono-Blue Devotion. I was on the ropes for most of this match. Game one, he was poking at me with Nightveil Specters, stealing my lands, while I struggled to get a board presence. But then I landed a Stormbreath Dragon to hold them at bay while he started flooding out. Games two and three, he hit Thassa and/or Master of Waves early and often and I couldn't keep up. I think I need to tighten this matchup up a little bit. Loss, 1-2. Record: 1-1.

Awkward combat math combined with a threatening clock.
Round 3: vs. Boros. I played against a friend and new Level 1 Judge. This matchup seems pretty good for me, though. He didn't get great aggro draws, and my doodz quickly and thoroughly outclassed his. I was struck once again how swingy Boros Reckoner can be. In matchups where he's not as good, he's really not that good. But in matchups where he is good, he's one of the best cards in my deck. Also, Aurelia can finish a game nicely once I get a couple of beefy doodz out. It was also somewhat satisfying to scry a Domri to the bottom of my library after he got Pith'd. Win, 2-0. Record: 2-1.

I'm still not entirely sure how I'm supposed to chain this to the rocks.
Round 4: vs. Mono-Green Devotion. Piloted by a kid who's the younger brother of another regular at the store. But he's starting to come into his own, and he's been doing farely well lately. I was happy to meet him in the 2-1 bracket. Unfortunately, the actual match wasn't that exciting. We went to three games, where each game was decided on who got the biggest beefy dood out first. But I'd be lying if I said it wasn't satisfying to finish the game by Chaining Nylea to the Rocks, and subsequently Mortars'ing his board before swinging for way more than lethal. Win, 2-1. Record: 3-1.

So yeah, I'm back above .500! Well, at least for this week.

Some thoughts on the deck:

  • I hate to say it, but Stormbreath Dragon hasn't really been exciting me that much. He's decent, but rarely awesome. It's nice having a 4/4 hasty evasion dood, but ... sometimes I feel like it's just an expensive Loxodon Smiter. I wonder if I could cut down to two of him.
  • I feel like I need a little more removal. I'm starting to think that the Magma Jets might should be Thunder Strikes. Too many times, I had a Jet, but my opponent had a 3-toughness dood that I wanted to off. But ... scry. :(
  • Domri continues to impress. Most of the time (if not all the time), he was just a kill spell, or cycled, and absorbed some burn or beats. But for 3 mana, that's not horrible. I was pretty reckless and impatient with him, though, too. If I would have either played him after playing a dood to protect him, or played him and not swung with one of my other doodz, I could have gotten more value out of him. Either way, great card. I might consider going up to 4.
  • I didn't get a chance to use Chandra much. She impressed me a lot in testing, but she didn't really come up all that often. She did pick off a couple of 1-toughness doodz, and she cleared the way for my one game win in the mono-blue matchup. But ... yeah. I'll keep my eye on her and see how she performs.
  • I'm realizing one of the keys to this deck is tempo. I hit oversized doodz on curve and beat face. To that end, I feel like maybe I could work in an Advent of the Wurm somewhere. 5/5 flash for 4 mana seems good.
  • I'm not really sure about Boon Satyr. I like the idea of having a 4-power flash, but I never really wanted to do the Bestow, and the flash wasn't really that relevant. A potential cut.

So yeah, I have a few things I could tweak with this deck to tighten it up a little more. I'm enjoying it, so I think I'll keep rocking it for now. Yay Magic. :)

On the Judging front, I went to a nice Judge Conference in the Twin Cities a couple weeks ago. That was pretty cool. Lots of great seminars, some good networking, some sweet Judge foils, and a nice presentation from our Regional Coordinator. Yay, Midwest. :)

And I'm continuing to be pushed towards Level 2. I think I'm ready. I just want to tighten up my rules knowledge a little bit more in preparation for the exam. And I gotta head judge a Competitive event. We might be able to just run a random Tuesday event at Competitive and let me do that. That's kinda cheesy, though. I'd rather do an actual bigger event. But whatever. I just wanna get 'er done at this point.

Yay. :)

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Next Stop: Naya

Good morning everybody!

So I've been pretty busy lately, and oddly, I haven't gotten to play much actual Magic. I've been doing a lot of Judge Duty. But over the last few days I've gotten to play some, which is pretty cool.

I helped out at Gamehole Con, a great new local tabletop gaming convention, with a focus on "old school gaming" (e.g., Ernie Gygax, Gary's son, who was involved in the early days of D&D, was there to run some first-edition campaigns). We were supposed to be running a pair of 32-man tournaments, for Standard and Legacy, but very few people showed any interest in it. So we ran some Pack Wars and some Drafts. I ended up playing in one of each, and I actually had a lot of fun.

The way we did Pack Wars was a little weird, though. For subsequent rounds, we just shuffled the second (and third) packs in, without tweaking anything (including the number of lands). So a lot of it was dependent on hitting land drops. So in that respect, my MVPs were my scry land and the pair of Traveler's Amulets. I ended up winning the whole thing, which was pretty rad.

The Draft was a 6-man affair, and I had a pretty fun black/red deck packed with removal and some light devotion aspects. My all-star, by far, was Whip of Erebos. Card is insane in Limited. Racing me was almost impossible. I ended up going 1-1 before dropping because I had to get going. But the format seems like fun, and I'd like to try it again sometime.

So, hey, I got a new Standard deck. Finally! I settled on Naya Midrange, and my deck looked kinda like this:

4 Temple Garden
4 Sacred Foundry
4 Stomping Ground
4 Forest
1 Mountain
3 Temple of Triumph
3 Temple of Abandon

4 Elvish Mystic
4 Sylvan Caryatid
1 Scavenging Ooze
4 Voice of Resurgence
4 Loxodon Smiter
3 Polukranos, World Eater
1 Ghor-Clan Rampager
3 Stormbreath Dragon
1 Aurelia, the Warleader

2 Chained to the Rocks
2 Mizzium Mortars
1 Hammer of Purphoros
3 Domri Rade
1 Chandra, Pyromaster
1 Xenagos, the Reveler
1 Warleader's Helix
1 Assemble the Legion

2 Wear // Tear
4 Boros Reckoner
1 Assemble the Legion
3 Mistcutter Hydra
1 Primeval Bounty
3 Boros Charm

And here's how it went:

Round 1: vs. Boros Devotion. A recent runner-up deck. Kind of a RDW kinda deck, but focusing on Devotion for reach (Fanatic of Mogis). White was a splash for stuff like Chained to the Rocks, and I think some other random creature. We played three fun, really close games. The match really could have gone either way, but in game three he got stuck in topdeck mode, looking for a Fanatic or a Dragon that couldn't quite find its way to his hand. So I had to go on the offensive and try to get there as fast as I could. Which I did. I won, but could have easily lost in an alternate universe. Win, 2-1. Record: 1-0.

Round 2: vs. 3-Color White Weenie. Huh? Well, it's mostly white weenie, but with a blue splash for Rapid Hybridization, and a red splash for a couple of doodz and I think a couple of spells. Unfortunately for me, Soldier of the Pantheon is really hard to deal with. Most of my early creatures are multicolored, and when buffed by Spear of Heliod, Caryatid can't hold the fort. Then by the time I can get Polukranos online, he's ready to Brave the Elements. Tough loss. Loss, 0-2. Record: 1-1.

Round 3: vs. Bant Control. Pretty cool brew, but it seemed like he couldn't really get much going, or even slow me down that much. I played doodz, he Jace'd, he Verdict'd, I played more doodz, ultimate'd Domri, and he died. Second game, I played a couple of planeswalkers and had the Boros Charm when he tried to Ratchet Bomb them. Win, 2-0. Record: 2-1.

Round 4: vs. Boros White Weenie. Mostly the same deck as round 2, but without the blue splash. It played out similarly, though I did win the first game pretty easily by curving out into all my monsters. Loss, 1-2. Record: 2-2.

My round 2 opponent went on to 4-0, and so I had pretty good tiebreakers. Good enough for 11th place, and 4 booster packs. The best pull from them was a foil Anger of the Gods. Pretty sweet. :) But more importantly: I'm winning again! That felt pretty good. However, the deck is pretty flawed, and I'm not certain how much I'm actually going to play it. Here are some thoughts:

  • The mana is really, really awkward. Curving out is darn near impossible, with so many ETBT lands, mono-green acceleration. There were way too many games where I didn't have much to play out until turn 3.
  • Along those lines, I need to revisit my removal suite. I need more early removal. Helix is a great swing, but at 4 mana, it's not terribly practical. At that point, I want to be deploying monsters, not burning random weenies. I think I probably want something like Shock or Thunder Strike or Magma Jet for that purpose. Chained to the Rocks was pretty sweet, but I wasn't nearly as likely to have a Mountain in play at any given point as when I was playing B/W/R. Probably a good spicy one-of.
  • Some of the maindeck singletons were cute, but not terribly effective. I love Hammer, but it's not really what I want to be doing maindeck. I'm moving it back to the 'board. Assemble was the same kinda thing. I always wanted to deploy a Dragon or a Hydra instead of a slow enchantment.
  • Chandra was excellent. I only got her out once, but she killed a mana dork, and drew like 3 cards. I think I'm gonna splurge for a second one. She'll kill Soldier of the Pantheon, that's for sure. Her Falter effect could help me tempo out an alpha strike, too.
  • Xenagos wasn't that exciting. The hasty Satyrs were fine against the Control deck, but again, I'd rather deploy a monster.
  • I was impressed with Voice of Resurgence. I was fine just chump blocking with them, and letting the Elementals they left behind loom threateningly on board. The Elementals make mana dorks not-terrible topdecks, too.
  • Domri was pretty awesome, too. He mostly drew cards, but he did instigate a fight that helped swing the board state in my favor. I'd consider a fourth, if I wasn't terrified of having multiples stuck in my hand. And the interaction with the scry lands was very cute, and actually pretty good.
  • I'm pretty happy with my suite of beefy doodz. Smiter is a huge undercosted body that clogs up the board like a boss. Ditto with Polukranos. Stormbreath Dragon, with its hastiness, was a great way to set up alpha strikes.
  • I was thinking about the possibility of going Jund, because black gives me access to Thoughtseize and lots of great removal, but giving up white means giving up some great creatures like Smiter and Voice. Part of the reason I wanted to play Naya was for beef, though, so I think I'll stick with Naya for now. Plus, we're missing two of the color combinations for scry lands. So .. yeah.

Yeah, I like the deck. I think I can make some tweaks, tighten it up, get some better game against Aggro, and we'll see how it goes. :)

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Definition of Insanity

"The definition of insanity is misattributing the same quote over and over again and expecting readers to believe you." - Winston Churchill

... or was it Confucius? I don't know.

The actual origin of the [paraphrased] quote--"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."--seems to go back to Twelve Step groups like Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous. Addicts get stuck in cycles where they try to control/moderate their addictive behavior, only to find themselves stuck in the same self-destructive patterns.

How does this relate to Magic? Probably my insistence that my Blood Baron deck isn't terrible. "I'll just make a few tweaks..." Yeah. Didn't work out so well. My few tweaks resulted in a deck that looked like this:

4 Sacred Foundry
4 Blood Crypt
4 Godless Shrine
3 Temple of Silence
3 Temple of Triumph
1 Rakdos Guildgate
4 Mountain
2 Plains

2 Chained to the Rocks
3 Magma Jet
2 Dreadbore
1 Anger of the Gods
2 Hero's Downfall
2 Mizzium Mortars
3 Warleader's Helix

3 Rakdos Keyrune
3 Read the Bones
1 Whip of Erebos
1 Rakdos's Return

4 Boros Reckoner
3 Blood Baron of Vizkopa
2 Obzedat, Ghost Council
2 Stormbreath Dragon
1 Elspeth, Sun's Champion

2 Thoughtseize
2 Wear // Tear
2 Slaughter Games
2 Anger of the Gods
2 Pithing Needle
2 Sin Collector
1 Assemble the Legion
1 Underworld Connections
1 Hammer of Purphoros

So I cut the Desecration Demons, a Blood Baron, and the maindeck Sin Collector to make room for another two Rakdos Keyrunes and two Stormbreath Dragons. It didn't really seem to make much of a difference, since I didn't win a real match all night. Here's how it played out:

Oddly enough, chaining her to a rock is my best option.
Round 1: vs. Blue Devotion. My first time seeing this deck in action first-hand, and it was kinda nasty. All those little doodz and devotion guys can add up to a lot of damage quickly. If the turn-four Master turns on the devotion of the turn-three Thassa, life can be very difficult. It also hurts when they have the Cyclonic Rift for my Chained to the Rocks and the singleton counterspell in hand for a different key removal spell. It really kinda sucks that I can't really get much pressure on them, and that a lot of their threats are hard to deal with (Master is pro-red, and Thassa is indestructible when she's a creature). So even though in one game I Thoughtseize'd him and found a hand of Master plus 3x Island, he was able to just sit back and wait for his topdecks to get there. In the meantime, I'm not really drawing much in the way of pressure. So when he did get something online, BAM, I'm dead. Loss, 1-2. Record: 0-1.

My mana ... it burns! D:
Round 2: vs. Mono-Red. This was a kinda different mono-red list, not the typical blitzy Sligh type deck nor a "big red" kinda thing. It seemed like he was trying to capitalize on some Devotion to finish with Fanatic of Mogis. Well, the first two games were pretty close and back & forth. I think I dodged a bullet in one game, though, when he failed at some combat/burn match and missed an opportunity to kill me. Then in game three, he cast Burning Earth on turn four, and I realized I forgot to side in Turn // Burn. Owch. Loss, 1-2. Record: 0-2.

Round 3: Bye. Third week in a row I've gotten a bye. I resisted the urge to rage-drop when another patron of the store offered to play[test] against me. So that was cool. He was testing a Rakdos-splash of the mono-black devotion deck that's the new hot thing (this week). We traded games one and two, and the third was pretty interesting when pairings for round four went up. Bye. Record: 1-2.

Go forth, my Oozey minions. I will grant you great strongth in your battles against the Vizkopans.
Round 4: vs. Green/Red Monsters/Devotion. So this deck is about is Timmy as a competitive deck gets, with lots of ramp, and huge monsters and planeswalkers and the God of the Hunt herself, Nylea. And it was being piloted by a local semi-pro with Pro Tour experience. Somehow, I managed to squeak by in game one after he got all kinds of monsters setup. Okay, it was mostly on the back of lifelink from Whip of Erebos. And to think I almost cut that card! Turns out Boros Reckoner makes a good chump blocker against Nylea when he has lifelink. In game two, I found out the only thing that my deck hates worse than a turn-four Burning Earth. A turn-three Burning Earth. D: I took a look at my board, his board, my hand, and promptly scooped. Game three I got stuck on two mana and didn't really get much pressure going. He nickel'd & dime'd me to death with some random doodz being pumped by Nylea, and my doodz couldn't keep up. Loss, 1-2. Record: 1-3.

So over the course of the evening, I think I figured some reasons why my deck sucks:
  1. I'm missing a lot of the better midrange threats from last Standard season. No Nighthawk, no Sorin, no Olivia. Desecration Demon just isn't cutting it. I've got a ton of great removal, but no way to end the game quickly.
  2. The threats I do run aren't getting it done. Blood Baron gets Mizzium'd. Boros Reckoner gets Doom Blade'd, or they don't have anything worth engaging in combat. Obzedat gets Devour Flesh'd or Hero's Downfall'd.
  3. I'm just not that good of a player, or deckbuilder, or both. I forgot to side in Wear // Tear in two situations where I should have anticipated it. I kept a few loose hands. I miscalculated some board states.

Basically, this is a bad midrange deck. Good non-synergistic midrange decks rely on individual card quality to have a big impact on the game. When I'm spending 5 mana on a guy that just immediately dies to a 2- or 3-mana removal spell, then something is wrong.

What to do? I don't really know. I think I might just net.deck a G/R midrange list. I thought about doing a Naya midrange, but one of the best reasons to go Naya, Boros Reckoner, is growing obsolete. And then there's Burning Earth. Oh, Burning Earth. You're so good for the Standard metagame, but you punish my desire to play cool three-color decks. :(

My solution? I think I have to focus on what I want to do, pick the corresponding two colors, and find a good deck that plays on those strengths. Or maybe just sell out and play mono-black devotion? I don't know. Either way, it's back to the drawing board to reclaim my sanity. Time to give the Blood Barons a rest.

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Hi everybody!

Yeah, so another week of Theros Standard is in the books. And honestly, as a player, it hasn't been treating me terribly well. I'm not sure if I'm unlucky, or I'm just not playing certain things right, but .... I dunno.

Anyway, I ran my Blood Baron deck again last night. I tweaked a few things and ended up with something like this:

4 Blood Crypt
4 Godless Shrine
4 Sacred Foundry
3 Temple of Silence
3 Temple of Triumph
1 Rakdos Guildgate
3 Mountain
3 Plains

2 Chained to the Rocks
3 Magma Jet
2 Mizzium Mortars2 Dreadbore
1 Anger of the Gods
2 Hero's Downfall
3 Read the Bones
3 Warleader's Helix

1 Rakdos Keyrune
1 Orzhov Keyrune
1 Whip of Erebos

4 Boros Reckoner
1 Sin Collector
2 Desecration Demon
4 Blood Baron of Vizkopa
2 Obzedat, Ghost Council
1 Elspeth, Sun's Champion

2 Wear // Tear
2 Pithing Needle
1 Underworld Connections
2 Anger of the Gods
2 Sin Collector
2 Thoughtseize
1 Assemble the Legion
2 Slaughter Games
1 Hammer of Purphoros

Basically, I cut back on some of the burn, added Read the Bones, and tweaked a few things in the 'board. So the matches went kinda like this:

Protection from my deck. :/
Round 1: vs. Selesnya Aggro. Game one he mulled to 5 and didn't play much. Game two he rode a Soldier of the Pantheon to victory while I killed myself trying to find a Magma Jet. By the time I found an answer, he had a Brave the Elements. Game three, he tossed a Boon Satyr/Unflinching Courage/Ajani haymaker at me to deal me 18 in two turns while I stumbled on mana. I got frustrated and probably didn't display the greatest sportsmanship. Again, something I need to work on. Loss, 1-2. Record: 0-1.

Hammah time!
Round 2: Bye. Insult to injury. I hate byes. :( I pondered just rage-dropping at that point, but I figured, I paid $10 for this, I might as well stick it out. Another guy there graciously played me to ease my frustration, which I appreciated. I got to try out my new sideboard against him, and I was highly impressed with the Hammer. Turns land flood into golems to the face! Plus, it's really fun to say BOOM! when I activate it. Mox had a shiny single for $6, so of course I snapped it up. Record: 1-1.
So many Blood Barons ...
Round 3: vs. Mirror. More or less, anyway. He seemed to do things a little differently, like not running Obzedat (though I think that was more of a card availability thing than a card choice thing), and a miser's Wear/Tear in the mainboard, which actually 2-for-1'd me in one game. But yeah, this match was actually a lot of fun. I think I got there with some luck, though. I topdecked a Mizzium Mortars to clear his board of soldiers and a Blood Baron, and was able to swing in for lethal that turn. But it was very back and forth, with lots of great midrange action going on all over the place. This is fun Magic. Win, 2-1. Record: 2-1.

Seriously, I do not like seeing this card across the table from me.
Round 4: vs. Dimir. So it wasn't quite Control, but it ran a few Control-ish things. The big thing which scared the crap out of me again, was Ashiok. I found myself having to scramble to deal with it, and then not being able to deal with the follow-up Memory Adept. And putting pressure on him? Fugettaboutit. A frustrating match that I never felt like I was really in. Loss, 0-2. Record: 2-2.

So yeah. Didn't go so well. I think I wanna try something different. I'm leaning towards Naya Midrange, but I'm worried that it's gonna have the same problems I'm having with this deck ... awkward early draws, and not enough pressure to keep up with Control. But I'm hoping that being able to reliably drop creatures on turns 2-4 will help with both things. I dunno. Maybe I'll give this deck one more shot. But I'm not really optimistic.

In the meantime, I'm getting ready to judge SCG Milwaukee this weekend. It'll be my first time judging a Legacy event, and I was told I might be doing coverage. I'm a little nervous about that, not being super familiar with the format. And I worry about being able to keep up with all the little things that happen. I think it'll be a good experience, though. We'll see what happens. :)

Well, that's it for now. Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Out with the Old

Hey, so it's a new Standard year. Goodbye Innistrad, hello Theros. Woo! Actually I'm not that excited about it. But hopefully, the metagame shifts away from the "shades of aggro/midrange" format that it was last year.

Anyway, before I dump all the boring "tournament log" crap, I thought I'd reflect a little on last year's Standard. So I thought I'd compile a list of highlights from Innistrad/Return to Ravnica Standard.

Naming ... ?
1. Cavern of Souls
I'm going to miss this card for one reason only: naming stupid creature types when I don't need it for colored mana or uncounterable creatures. Some of my favorite creature types I've named: Badger, Eye, Sand, Homunculus, Lhurgoyf, Advisor. Okay, that last one was legit for Obzedat, but still... Advisor. I think I named Camarid and Atog at some point too. At least I hope I named Camarid at some point. I mean come on. Lobster people. I wanted to name God, but the judge wouldn't let me. :(

On the other hand, I'm not going to miss how it basically pushed Control out of the metagame. Granted, it wasn't just this card, but that was a big part of it.

This is why we can't have nice things.
2. Snapcaster Mage
This is probably the real reason Control wasn't a big part of the metagame. R&D realized they messed up with this card, and it warped the development of the next year and a half's worth of sets just to keep Standard from becoming a mono-Snapcaster format. This card is why we didn't get a Lightning Helix reprint, or a decent two-mana counterspell. What's the saying, "This is why we can't have nice things"?

On the other hand, I love playing with the card. It was a great utility in my old Esper Control deck (from Scars/Innistrad Standard), flashing back Mana Leak and Tragic Slip with aplomb. It was great when pumped up by Elesh Norn too. Anyway, yeah, so even though there weren't nearly as many great spells to flash back, it was still a great enabler for the few Control decks that were viable. At least there's still Modern. And maybe Legacy someday, too.

3. Champion of the Parish
Okay, I just singled this one out, but really it was the kind of deck that it enabled. Namely, the Naya Humans/Blitz deck. Champion into doubple Burning-Tree Emissary and Lightning Mauler, attack for a million on turn two. Ugh. Why couldn't there have been a Pyroclasm or Slagstorm in the format? R&D claims that there's a significant subset of players who hate it when they can't play Magic because of things like counterspells and land destruction. What about dying on turn 3-4 because you can't beat their nut draw? I guess that's okay?

Anyway, Champion is gone, as are some of the better aggressive early drops. Aggro is definitely still a thing so far, but it's more like turn 4-5 than turn 3-4. So that's enough time to dig for an answer.

4. Tamiyo, the Moon Sage
This is one of my all time favorite overall cards. Almost everything is perfect about this card. Utility, artwork, flavor, power, fun. I'm just sad that, due to the aforementioned rise of Aggro, this card got pushed out of the format. I'm also sad that her character didn't seem to "test" that well in Wizards' market research, making it less likely that we'll see her again. :(

Laughing out loud.
5. Tibalt, the Fiend-Blooded.
One of my main regrets about the waning days of Standard was not playing a Tibalt deck. I had to settle for jamming him as a two-of in the sideboard of my Blood Baron deck. I'll have to settle for playing him in a janky Casual and/or Commander deck.

Honorable mentions: Thragtusk, Rhox Faithmender, Restoration Angel, Sorin, Spider Spawning/Splinterfright, Unburial Rites.

So, Theros!

When they started previewing the set, I was pretty excited. I loved the artwork, the flavor seemed spot-on, and I was intrigued by the hero tropes. But now that I've seen the whole thing and played with it some, I gotta say, I'm not terribly impressed. It's a good, well-done set, but it doesn't really excite me. The Greek thing seems so obvious, that it doesn't really feel uniquely Magic. Oh yeah, gods. Guys with Trojan helmets. Hermes sandals. There's even a Trojan Horse. Granted, I love the Trojan Horse card, but it's perhaps a bit too obvious. I hope they do more with this block to make it more uniquely Theros rather than "carbon copy of Greek mythology." I'm much more interested in some of the stories and characters and the whole Nyx thing than playing "spot the trope."

Well, I guess it's time for tournament reports? So, for the first time in a long time, I didn't play a midnight prerelease. I got done judging at FNM and I was like, I'm tired. I'm gonna go home and play in the morning one. So I did. And I'm glad I did. Less driving, more sleeping. I was a bit tired by the end of the day Saturday, though, since I head-judged the evening prerelease. So that was about 12 hours at the store. Long day. But very rewarding.

Playing the first one was a lot of fun, I will admit. I chose the Path of Wisdom, and opened a ton of good-looking blue stuff. I wanted to pair it with red for some powerful-looking stuff, including Purphoros, but I took a look at the resulting mana curve, and it was awful. So I went with white, which seemed less powerful, but had a better, more consistent mana curve. I ended up doing more stuff with Heroic and Bestow, which was a lot of fun. I had the rare doubple-striking Heroic guy, which was pretty much always game-over when I landed him and stuck a Nymph on him. I noticed it played out a lot like that. Building up and doing battle with giant jacked-up Voltron-esque heroes. Even the most random 1/1 flier can become a dangerous threat with enough Nymphs on it. So I had fun, but my win-loss record didn't reflect that. I went 1-3. But every match went to three games, and they were all lots of back-and-forth fun.

Judge duty at the later prerelease was fun, too. I had a judgling to help me out, which was nice. I could run to the bathroom, and he handled random questions very well. A lot of it was very routine, but a couple of interesting things came up. One guy had a question about casting a Flash creature with Bestow (short answer: yes, that works). And another guy had a question about how trample interacts with a "can block additional creatures" ability. The latter was actually more complex than we originally thought, and I actually had to look up the rule for Trample to verify that my intuition was correct. But other than that, it was pretty straight forward. Just very full and very busy. But good busy. I took a moment at one point and just looked around the room, and I saw two guys finishing up a match. They were both all smiles, and they shook hands. And I got a little warm fuzzy. I love watching players at my events smiling and having fun. Good stuff. :)

So, Standard! I'm not really sure what to make of it so far, except that it seems to be pretty typical so far. There's Aggro, there's Control, and there's Midrange. It seems to be skewed towards Control right now, because Supreme Verdict and Sphinx's Revelation are really good. I wanted to play Control, but after judging at FNM last week, and seeing a quarter of the room playing it, I decided to try something different. I thought about making a mono-blue Master of Waves deck, but the deck I sketched out folded hard to mono-red. So I just tweaked my Blood Baron deck, swapping out the manabase, removal suite, and a few threats. Out with old, in with the ... old. :/

Anyway, this is what I ran, give or take a few cards:

4 Blood Crypt
4 Godless Shrine
4 Sacred Foundry
3 Temple of Silence
3 Temple of Triumph
1 Rakdos Guildgate
3 Mountain
3 Plains

1 Chained to the Rocks
3 Magma Jet
3 Lightning Strike
3 Mizzium Mortars
2 Dreadbore
1 Anger of the Gods
1 Hero's Downfall
4 Warleader's Helix

1 Rakdos Keyrune
1 Orzhov Keyrune
1 Whip of Erebos

4 Boros Reckoner
1 Sin Collector
2 Desecration Demon
4 Blood Baron of Vizkopa
2 Obzedat, Ghost Council
1 Elspeth, Sun's Champion

2 Wear // Tear
2 Pithing Needle
2 Underworld Connections
3 Anger of the Gods
2 Sin Collector
2 Thoughtseize
2 Assemble the Legion

Here's how it went:

Okay, this is making me feel kind of uncomfortable.
Round 1: vs. U/W/r "Nightmare". I want to build a deck kinda like this. It seemed to be built around Ashiok and Nightveil Specter. You know, stealing my stuff. And it had some control elements, too (i.e., counterspells). But mostly Ashiok'ing and Specter'ing me. So here's my Pro Play of the Night: He's got a Specter out, and I play a Temple of Triumph and see a Blood Baron. I think, Yes, that card's awesome! Then I pass turn, and he goes to attack, and my heart sinks. Two turns later, I'm scooping to my own Blood Baron. :( Anyway, I won one of the three games mostly due to him getting horribly mana screwed, but it was lots of fun. Ashiok came down turn three one game and immediately flipped over two Blood Barons. That was uncomfortable, and that was kinda cool. :) Loss, 1-2. Record: 0-1.

Game over.
Round 2: vs. Esper Control. I love playing against this guy. He always seems like he's in a good mood, and he seems to share my affinity for slightly-odd decks. In the past, I've seen him play Junk Pod (when everyone else was running some other permutation), and a weird Sun-Titan-fueled Enchantment deck. Well this time he was playing a pretty typical Esper Control deck, but he was rocking Trading Posts and Prophetic Prisms, so props for that. But ultimately it was just a solid control game that did me in. It was a typical game of me playing threats, him removing them, and eventually using Sphinx's Revelation to pull ahead. Game two, I was able to disrupt him somewhat, but I couldn't keep any pressure on him, and he eventually pulled away. I don't know what to do about this matchup. It seems miserable. Loss, 0-2. Record: 0-2.

Round 3: Bye. Someone dropped, and I got the bye. So I flopped down disappointed and went to talk to my L2 judge buddy. But he didn't seem very social, so I ended up just dropping, feeling bored and not wanting to wait another half an hour to play.

Well, that wasn't very exciting. But I learned a few things:

* Whip is cute with its interaction with Obzedat, but highly unnecessary. My round 2 opponent suggested Hammer of Purphoros, and I agree with him. It gives my doodz haste, which is awesome with a Blood Baron out, and it gives me something to do with extra lands.
* I remembered another card I wanted to put in the deck: Read the Bones. Losing two life might be painful, but it's better than not having cards. Maybe I'd side them out against Aggro.
* Orzhov Keyrune should be another Rakdos Keyrun. Better body, better threat.
* I really miss some of the better 3- and 4-drops, like Vampire Nighthawk, Sorin, and Olivia. Replacing 7 good threats with 3 so-so threats seems suboptimal. I thought about maybe running Fiendslayer Paladin as another three-drop.
* I didn't feel like I needed Lifebane Zombie at all, but if more G/W starts popping up, I'll pick up a couple-three.
* Chained to the Rocks was pretty sweet. I only used it once, but I nabbed a Thassa with it. I might consider adding another one.
* I can probably cut down on the number of burn spells. I'm torn between Magma Jet and Thunder Strike. I love (love) the scry on Magma Jet, but sometimes that extra point is nice (it took down a Nightveil Specter, for example). I think for now, two damage is probably fine, so maybe I'll cut the Strikes.
* Not unexpectedly, the scry-lands weren't terrible. Most of the time, I didn't really need the mana the turn I played them, and the scry was perfect for smoothing out my draws. I think 2-3 of each is about the right number. I think playing with the shocklands in Standard, and knowing when to play them tapped or untapped, has mentally prepared me for planning out my land drops accordingly.
* Along those lines, the mana base wasn't quite as fragile as I was expecting. Oddly enough, playing with basic lands felt good. Comforting, liberating. When I needed to play a land and tap it that turn, I was able to do so. It'll be nice to turn that Rakdos Guildgate and maybe a basic Plains into a Temples of [red/black flavor word].

So yeah, I still like the deck. I have a few things I can work on. But I'm already looking at the next thing I wanna try out: U/W Waves. Stay tuned ... ?

Well, that's it for now. Thanks for reading. :)

Monday, September 16, 2013

Grand Prix Detroit

Subtitle: Sometimes you just wanna punch someone in the face.

Okay! So I went to GP Detroit this weekend, with two other local players/friends, Dustin and Michael. This is gonna be a long one, so bear with me...

We left Madison probably a little after 8am after taking care of some last-minute logistics. The trip to Detroit was pretty uneventful, the only snafus being very minor: we forgot about the time zone change, and we were a little later than we would have liked; and gas was a little expensive at one station I stopped at in Michigan.

We got to the Cobo Center at around 6pm, and Dustin and I were scrambling to make it to the last grinder, and Michael went to go check in at the hotel across the street. We made a couple of last-minute purchases and played in the last Modern-format grinder.

Okay, let me back up a bit. I'm working on goal-setting lately, and I figured it was important to set goals for myself for this weekend. So I set two of them:

1. Introduce myself to Steven Briggs, my Judge Regional Coordinator.
2. Win a match in the GP main event.

Then I realized I could create stretch goals, Kickstarter-style:

3. Win a match in the grinder.

Yeah, maybe I set my expectations too low so as to avoid disappointment. I dunno.

Anyway, I actually met my stretch goal. I won not only one, but TWO matches in the grinder. I lost a close round three (and a very good match). And I had a lot of fun. I love Modern. :)

Oh yeah, so I'll go over the matches in more "tournament report detail" further down.

Dustin got up early and wandered over while Michael and I were still dozing. I didn't sleep super great, mostly because hotel pillows are weird. They need to be like 50% thicker or thinner than they are. Because one is too small and two is too big. Oh well...

I was pretty astounded at the scope of the whole thing. The room was cavernous, like an indoor soccer venue or something. There were somewhere around 1450 players. This made logistics for getting players to their seats somewhat awkward, with giant clumps of hundreds of players crowding towards kiosks. You have to push your way up front to see where you're sitting at, and then push your way back out once you find it. "There must be a better way!"

Anyway, I found my table, found my opponent, and proceeded to meet my final playing-related goal of the weekend: I won a match. My opponent admitted he probably kept some sketchy hands, but a win's a win, amirite?

The next few rounds were back and forth. I got to play round 2 at table 6 (out of 500-something? 600-something?), and lost a very good, very close match. We split the first two games, which were very back and forth and lots of fun. The third game, he had a good draw and I didn't, and I got stomped. But we had a blast playing. And he was the FIRST player in the 4+ years I've been playing again to catch the Spinal Tap reference I like to use: he attacked me down to 11 life at one point, and I stated, "Like Nigel Tufnel, I'm going to 11." And he was like, "Nigel Tufnel? Really??" And we laughed. And then he beat me.

Third round, I dropped to table 500-something. Easily the single largest table-number drop of my Magic career. I think that was the round I got stomped by Bogles. But I'm not sure. They're starting to all mush together in my fragile memory. Either way, I was dead by round 5 with a record of 2-3. I needed to finish 7-2 or better to make Day 2. But I was still having fun, so I kept playing. If I lost some more, I figured I'd drop and maybe play in a side event, but ... yeah.

Then I started winning again. 3-3. 4-3. 5-3. I figured, I was probably just gonna play in a Modern side event anyway, so why not just keep playing Modern, right? Plus, sweet sweet Planeswalker Points!

Last match I looked at the pairings board, and I faced off against ... Michael. Doh. :( Well I wasn't going to dial it back just because he's my friend. Neither of us had anything to play for, really, so we gave it our all. And yay for me, aww for him, I won.

So my final record for the day: 6-3. WOAH. The best finish I've ever had at a competitive event. I've had lots of 5-4s, but never 6-3. Being a two-day event, it wasn't even close to being good enough to win anything, but I didn't really care. I had a blast playing. :)

Michael and I picked up our stuff and headed back. While wandering over towards the elevators, we saw a group of somewhere around 8 women, African-American, and dressed in a way that I can only describe as somewhere between club-fabulous, and hooker. I don't really know what they were doing/going/whatever, but the group of us geeky white guy dorks just couldn't help but to be all like: O.O

So that happened.

Then Dustin and I ordered pizza, snarfed it down, and went to sleep.

Dustin went over early and let us know that the side events were getting ready to fire, so we all wandered over. Michael got into an event right away, and Dustin signed up shortly thereafter. I wandered around to scope out vendors and try to overcome my anxiety about schmoozing. I did cross paths with an L3 that I worked with in Minneapolis, and we chatted for a minute (after I reminder her who I was). Then I talked to a couple of vendors about selling my playmat (since I had no plans to ever use it). One vendor offered me $10-12 for it, and the other one $20-24, so I traded it in for some cards. I picked up a foil Japanese Judge's Familiar, a Spanish Judge's Familiar FNM promo, and an Academy Ruins. Not bad for, well, nothing. :) Later, I found out that Dustin had traded his in for $35 of credit to a different vendor. Oh well. :/

I couldn't find Briggs, so I just wandered back to the side event signup, saw that the one Dustin was in had an opening, so I signed up. Heck with it. It fired shortly thereafter, and I promptly scrubbed out in two not-very-close games. So Michael said, hey, could you talk to your person now? So heck with it. I did. And shockingly, he didn't bite my head off. We chatted for like a minute, and then he wandered off to do .. stuff? So there you go. I met my final goal for the weekend. SUCCESS.

Oh yeah, so then I set another stretch goal: get out of Detroit alive. And ... well, I did. So yay!

The trip back was also pretty uneventful. Just lots of random chitchat about Magic and other geeky things. Good company. I'm glad we all went together. We got back to Madison around 8:30pm, and ... yeah, that's that!

So, I guess here's a more in-depth report?

Friday Grinder:
So I'm playing U/W/R Midrange. It's similar to the U/W/R Control lists out there, but it has more threats than just Colonnades and Ajani V. My list looked something like this:

8 Fetchlands
5 Shocklands
4 Basic Lands
3 Celestial Colonnade
1 Moorland Haunt
1 Eiganjo Castle
2 "Buddy" Lands
2 Tectonic Edge

4 Lightning Bolt
4 Path to Exile
1 Spell Snare
4 Snapcaster Mage
4 Mana Leak
3 Lightning Helix
1 Remand
3 Geist of Saint Traft
3 Vendilion Clique
1 Electrolyze
3 Cryptic Command
1 Elspeth, Knight-Errant
1 Gideon Jura
1 Thundermaw Hellkite

2 Stony Silence
2 Wear // Tear
2 Hallowed Burial
2 Sowing Salt
2 Counterflux
2 Aven Mindcensor
1 Electrolyze
1 Spell Snare
1 ???? I forget :(

Round 1: vs. G/W midrange. I'm not sure what was going on with this deck. It looked like it should be deploying a bunch of critters and pounding face, but I didn't have much trouble keeping threats off the board. I think he got flooded in the second game. It looked like he was hinging on Wilt-Leaf Liege to boost his team, but it just wasn't happening.

Round 2: vs. Tron. I think it was a combination of the R/G and mono-blue Trons that I know are out there, but I'm not sure. I know that he had fetchlands and a Breeding Pool, but I don't remember for sure if he had Burnwillows or not. Either way, I think he got me quickly in game one, and game two I landed a turn-two Stony Silence, and that pretty much shut him down. I was able to keep him off Tron, and won pretty easily. Third game was even worse. I had a turn-two Stony Silence, and a turn-four Sowing Salt. I just saw the life go out of his face. I felt kinda bad, but you know, when your deck threatens a turn-three Karn and a turn-five Eldrazi, then ... yeah. He understood and was a good sport about it.

Round 3: vs. Robots. Hooray for accomodation! My opponent was wheelchair-bound, and had his mother with him to shuffle and draw cards and such. They were very friendly, though the mother admitted to being very tired and not especially looking forward to 9 rounds the next day. The games were very close and lots of fun. I think he won the first game pretty handily, but the second one was very back and forth. I think he hit me with a rather large Plated Inkmoth, but even though I was able to get rid of the Plating (somehow? I forget), he had another Inkmoth he was threatening with. I eventually topdecked a fetchland to get my 6th land so I could block with a Celestial Colonnade, and then I took over from there. I don't remember the last game, but I think it was another close one. Lots of back and forth. I misplayed at one point, though: I Clique'd him at some point, and saw a Spell Pierce, but then forgot to play around it when I slammed a Hallowed Burial. Oops. :( Great games, though. I don't mind losing those.

So I got 6 booster packs for my efforts (M14). Plus, I got lots of experience with the deck, which was awesome. I decided I wanted another source of colored mana more than I wanted a token-making land that I never used, so I swapped the Haunt out for a 3rd Steam Vents for the main event

Saturday Main Event:
Heh, that subtitle sounds like wrestling event or something. Anyway ...

Round 1: vs. Robots. Yup, more Robots. Am I gonna see this deck all day? Well, it turned out that he kept a couple of marginal hands, and I was able to keep him in check pretty easily. It helped that the second game he kept a one-land hand and didn't draw a second mana source for like 3-4 turns. So I happily took those Memnite beats while assembling a great hand and an offense. I won pretty easily. 1-0.

Round 2: vs. Robots. Like I mentioned, this one was very back and forth and lots of fun. We joked, bantered, chatted, and played some great Magic. Unfortunately the games were kind of long, and we had to kinda rush game three. He had a great draw, and I didn't, and he ended up beating me pretty easily. And I found out: Stony Silence is actually pretty good against this deck. At first, I was only thinking of Cranial Plating or Arcbound Ravager, but it also shuts off Springleaf Drum, Mox Opal, Steel Overseer, and Darksteel Citadel. Dang! Maybe I should have three of these in my 'board. But yeah, like I said, tons of fun. 1-1.

Round 3: vs. Bogles. I think. This might have been round 4. I forget. Anyway, this one wasn't close. He had the turn-one Bogle both games, and stomped me pretty bad. I felt in game one I could have burned him out before he could Bogle me to death, but turns out, Daybreak Coronet gives lifelink. What the crap. :( 1-2.

Round 4: vs. Burn. I don't think I've ever lost this match. I don't even have to play it perfectly. Protect my life total, kill his critters, and eventually they just run out of gas. Lightning Helix is an all-star in this match. If I suspected I'd see more of it, a 4th Helix would definitely be warranted, as well as a Baneslayer somewhere in the 75. 2-2.

Round 5: vs. U/W/R Midrange. I must have lost this one, because of the other matches I played, I can't think of what else I would have lost to. Yeah, now that I think about it, I think he got me in this one. Apparently I don't remember that much about the actual match. But we were discussing the deck, and the difference between this one and the Control version. His comment was along the lines of "Sometimes you just wanna punch someone in the face." And that sums it up perfectly. Sometimes I love playing Draw-Go, and just countering and/or killing everything my opponent does. But sometimes I get tired of poking someone to death with a manland and I just want to throw a Dragon at them. I think that's the Red part of this deck. I like it. :) 2-3.

Round 6: vs. Melira Pod. I think this deck is like the Aristocrats of Modern. They have the combo, which is pretty straight forward (infinite life and/or damage with Finks/Redcap), but they also have a very tricky elusive combat-based gameplan, too.  If I disrupt their combo, they can just poke me with Voice tokens, or Lingering Souls tokens, or attack with Revillark, or drain me with Deathrite Shaman. I don't remember for sure how the match went, but somehow I won one of the first two games, and the last one I was able to shut him down pretty hard with Aven Mindcensor. I guess that card works! 3-3.

Round 7: vs. U/W/R Control. I don't remember much about this match. My opponent was kinda quiet, but pleasant enough. It seemed like he was kinda new to the deck and/or Magic in general, and he did all kinds of strange plays, like tapping out on his turn for a Lightning Helix to the dome, leaving himself wide open for a Geist. It seemed like he was on the burn plan for most of the match. So I dunno, maybe he just didn't draw his counterspells? Well either way, I won, I believe in two not-terribly-close games. 4-3.

Round 8: vs. R/G Aggro. Looks like a Modern port of the current Standard deck, with upgraded creatures (e.g., Kird Ape vs. Stromkirk Noble). This is pretty much exactly the kinda deck I wanted to face, and my deck didn't disappoint. Kill/counter everything early and often. And then .. punch him in the face! >:O Not literally. Kids, never literally punch your opponent in the face. 5-3.

Round 9: vs. R/G Tron. So I playtest against Michael quite a bit back home, and he almost always beats me. But this time, I was a little better prepared. I know both our decks much better by this point, and I was able to get a good feel for what his gameplan was at any given point, and to keep him just barely behind where he wanted to be. So I countered those Sylvan Scryings and Tec Edge'd his Tron piece. Even though I didn't necessarily draw a bunch of hate (honestly, I don't remember if I drew any), I had enough disruption to keep him just unbalanced enough to race him with burn and random critters. Sorry Michael. 6-3.

Sunday Win-a-Box:
Round 1: vs. Melira Pod. He beat me. I tried mightily to disrupt him, but for whatever reason I just couldn't stabilize or mount any kind of counter-offense. Oh yeah, I think the reason was because I got pretty badly flooded, at least in the second game. Dumb deck. I don't like it. I was told by the Melira Pod player I played on Saturday that I should never lose this match, but I just don't really get it. I feel like I have to get lucky to win. 0-1.

So .. uh ... that's the tournament! Thoughts about the deck:

* Seriously, tons of fun. I get to counter spells, I get to kill things, and I get to use cool spells and cool creatures. The only thing I don't like is that I want to use ALL of the cool cards. Every turn I want to Cryptic Command something, Helix something else, use Elspeth to pump Geist into a 5/5 flying, tap something with Ajani, kill something else with Gideon, and attack with everything. The Melira Pod player from Saturday plays this deck too, and he swears by Ajani and Restoration Angel. But to me, they're just really expensive. I might end up cutting something from the other threats to try them out, like maybe Elspeth or Geists.
* The sideboard is taking shape, but needs a bit of work. I ended up never bringing in the Counterfluxes. But then again, I never faced Twin. I'm not sure whether or not I actually want to do that for that deck anyway, or if what I already have is enough. I suspect that I still want them.
* Wear // Tear was pretty unremarkable. I think Disenchant does the same thing most of the time. I've never fused it, and in Modern, I don't think I ever will. Even Disenchant would have been underwhelming. I could probably cut them.
* The Bogles deck could be a problem if more people start playing it. I wonder if Celestial Flare is something I could do against that and/or the Infect deck.
* I know that some decks run fewer fetchlands, and I'm starting to wonder if I need to do so, too. Most games, I don't take too much damage from my own manabase, but some games, I don't think I have much choice but to pay 3 life every turn for the right colors of mana, and against some decks, that's tough. I might cut one or two fetches for something else. Maybe a filterland or another buddyland or something.
* The boogeyman of the week appears to be Jund. 6 out of the 8 decks that made Top 8 were Jund or Jund variants (i.e., without red, splashing white for Ajani). We argued in the car a little bit about what card or cards are really pushing it over the top, and we did all agree that Deathrite Shaman is probably the card that pushed Jund (and variants) over the top recently. It's gotta be one of the most powerful pound-for-pound cards in the format.

So this week ... Second to last week for ISD/RTR Standard. I'll probably still rock the Blood Barons until I get sick of them. And then this weekend is Theros prereleases. Should be fun!

Okay, well that's it for now. Thanks for reading. :)